Coarse screening

Aggregates for pulp preparation
Type Perforated Screen LGS
with screen for waste paper of all stock consistency
size: 5–40, 100–500
consisting of
- Housing with cover
- Disc rotor: 3 – 8-bladed (size 05–40),
8-bladed (size 100–500) - Screen plate and mounting separated (size 05–40)
- Screen plate with integrated mounting (size 100–500)
- Drive unit with
- Mounting
- Belt drive and belt guard
- Motor
- Complete lining with basalt (size 05–40)
- Partly lining with basalt possible (size 100–500)
- Straight or sloped model of disc rotor possible (sloped rather with 8-bladed)

With sieve for waste paper of all stock consistency
size: 1 – 4
Can be used for screening and cleaning
Type D for high consistency stock consistency > 6%
Type T for low consistency stock consistency < 6%
consisting of:
- Screen plate integrated in housing (can not be unscrewed)
- Rotor: 3 – 8-bladed
- Screening: perforation 6 – 12 mm
- Cleaning: perforation < 4 mm
- Mounting is flange mounted outside at housing
- Drive unit with:
- Belt drive and belt guard
- Motor
- Lining with basalt not necessary
Examples Perforated Screen

Dissolving set LGS 10

Screen plate LGS 10

Rotor LGS 40 8-bladed
Examples Fiberizer